.Dreams. Pageviews

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


"Do you feel like you're second treated?? Like you just don't belong?? And that no one gave their attention to you?? "
In my case, yes I do, most of the time actually.. And in those times I felt that I'm useless, I'm hopeless, a burden and a nuisance to everyone that I come to know.. It's like I don't belong here or anywhere, I didn't fit into the society like the rest.. And there came a time where I wish I was dead, that I wasn't born in this society.. And there came a time where I did something that I regretted now..
Personally, I was lost during that time.. I wasn't myself.. It's been awhile that people I once know were stepping on me, pulling me down, breaking my heart.. It's like I'm a single leaf that's floating along with the wind and with no where to land.. Cause every time I found a place and land, there would be someone stepping on me.. Yeah I maybe a dead leaf in their eyes but I too have feelings..
So here I am, standing proud and strong.. Yeah, I've bounced back strong.. Cause I've learnt that I mustn't hide away, showing them that I'm scared.. That way, they'll hit on me more.. My good friend had taught me that those society are like the ogres, they may seem strong and powerful.. But that's because they are just a coward and they wanted to feel better by hurting others.. Such a pity isn't it??
So to those of you out there who are having the same situation as me, don't be scared and hide away.. But instead, be yourself and ignore all those mean comments.. Remember that you are strong than them and being yourself is the most powerful thing ever.. Trust me..
By yours truly,